Special Educational Needs Development (SEND)

Hello, my name is Syreta Scott and I am very pleased to be able to introduce myself as the Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator (SENCO) at The Early Bird Pre-school CIC.

I have worked at Early Birds for 15 years, and believe that all children should feel safe, happy and be supported to achieve the best they can. I have received training in SEND and regularly attend SENCO clusters. In addition I have received training in Elklan, Autism, Makaton and Speech, Language and Communication.

Part of my role is to ensure that any children who may be struggling get the appropriate support. These may be supporting the key person with implementing temporary interventions within the setting, signposting parents to get support from outside agencies or gathering information for and liaising with any professionals that support your child. Early years is a critical age to a child’s development and I believe that early intervention is key to ensuring that the all children have the best possible start. A joined up and consistent approach

If you have any worries or concerns regarding your child, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me and I will do my very best to support you and your child. I am happy to arrange meetings to discuss any concerns you may have prior to starting at the setting or any time during your child’s stay with us. You can contact me on (admin@earlybirdpreschool.co.uk) or ask your key person to arrange a meeting.

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© The Early Bird Pre-School CIC 2023